Ocean Circulation Lab
USF College of Marine Science
















The nowcast/forecast system and other analyses/data are research products under development. No warranty is made, expressed or implied, regarding accuracy, or regarding the suitability for any particular application. All rights reserved University of South Florida, Ocean Circulation Lab.
Copyright University of South Florida 2010

Coupled Ocean Atmosphere Response Expirement

Project Information :

The scientific goals of the Tropical Ocean - Global Atmosphere (TOGA) Coupled Ocean Atmosphere Response Expirement (COARE) are to describe and understand the principal processes responsible for ocean-atmosphere coupling within the western Pacific warm pool region, the atmospheric processes that organize convection there, the oceans response to atmospheric forcing, and finally, the interactions occurring between this region and other regions of the globe. The TOGA COARE consisted of several elements, one of which was an array of three subsurface moored acoustic Doppler current profilers (ADCPs), centered on the equator at 156°E, deployed over a two year period.

Field Program :

The TOGA COARE field program consisted of three elements : 1) pilot studies, 2) enhanced monitoring using surface and subsurface moorings, and 3) an intensive observational period (IOP). The University of South Florida (USF), College of Marine Science contribution to this field program is with the enhanced monitoring element. Field Work was initiated in 1992 consisting of two one year deployments of subsurface ADCP moorings positioned meridionally about the equator at ± 0.75° along 156°E and on the equator at 157.5°E.

Buoy positions and USF mooring diagram
TOGA COARE buoy positions TOGA COARE mooring diagram

Contour plots of data from the enhanced monitoring array filtered to remove oscillations with time scales shorter than 10 days
  0.75°N, 156°E (USF)  
0°, 154°E (TOKAI) 0°, 156°E (PMEL) 0°, 157.56E (USF)
  0.75°S, 156°E (USF)  

University of South Florida